3D Assets: Carbon Dioxide Bubbles
Animated 3D game assets as part of a climate change game educating the user on their personal carbon footprint. The game is an interactive questionnaire and the assets include carbon dioxide bubbles, a carbon dioxide pump and carbon dioxide goo.

The assets animate once interacted with. The player taps their pump when answering the questionnaire, which grows their CO2 bubble. Then the user swipes their bubble off screen and the end bubble being their calculated carbon result expands into goo.
As this is an interactive game, the concept needed to be something that could work both in person and digitally. The initial concept was a wall of CO2 pumps with pull out questions and instructions.
To figure out what works I created a prototype of the pump bottle, which led to deciding on the action of pumping as it is something the user knows to do without being prompted. Therefore, when digitalised the object can be on screen with the only the questions and the user will still know what to do as the action.